
In January 2018, the Fox School of Business reported it had submitted inaccurate data to U.S. 新闻 & 2018年全球最佳在线MBA课程排名. Temple retained the nationally respected law firm Jones Day to perform a comprehensive review of data and Fox内部的流程. The review found that Fox had misreported data for its OMBA Program dating back to at least the 2014 survey. 在某些情况下, the misreporting was intentional; in other instances, the Fox School misreported information based on its own questionable interpretations of survey questions.

Further investigation by Temple identified similar misreporting for multiple years in other programs, 也就是高级工商管理硕士, 全球MBA, 兼职MBA, Master of Science in Human Resource Management and Master of Science in Digital Innovation in Marketing. These programs all had issues related to the reporting of one or more metrics, 包括提供GRE/GMAT成绩的新入学人数, 学生债务和申请人的本科gpa. 网上工商管理学士学位, 坦普尔的审查发现了与学生债务有关的误报.

The university also reviewed Fox’s survey responses to other rankings agencies and determined that, 在同一时期内, certain inaccurate data points were also submitted to the Princeton Review Best Business 学校 rankings survey as well as the Financial Times, 《亿德体育》. 此外,在《亿德体育》中使用了错误报告的数据 & Quants的商业排名调查.

该大学已公开披露了一份报告 众达的调查结果和建议摘要 并发布了 定期更新和公告 关于福克斯数据误报的调查. 信息可以在坦普尔网站上找到 数据完整性网站.

2019年12月, Temple also agreed to an Assurance of Voluntary 合规 with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General following the AG’s investigation of the data misreporting allegations. 作为和解协议的一部分,可以找到 在这里, 该大学将建立并资助250美元,000 in scholarships for Fox Business School students and has agreed to additional remedial measures designed to help ensure such misreporting never happens again. 

What else is Temple doing in response to the misreporting and what is planned going forward?

On July 11, 2018, Temple announced the implementation of a variety of measures at Fox. These measures include the creation of a new performance analytics unit responsible for accreditation and rankings; the implementation of a new workflow for data aggregation, 检查, 核查和提交; and the coordination between Fox and the university’s Office of Institutional 研究 and Assessment to develop and implement these steps to ensure data integrity. 最近, these processes have been further updated to integrate the university’s Data Verification Unit into the data integrity measures.

Temple also has taken measures to ensure accurate reporting across the university, including at Fox. 具体地说:

  • All schools and colleges have developed and implemented revised processes for data collection, 核查和提交.
  • The new Data Verification Unit has a full-time staff dedicated to the review of data reported to rankings agencies.
  • The office of Information Technology Services will identify interface gaps among existing data systems and pursue the implementation of new systems w在这里 appropriate.
  • 天普已经制定和/或继续改进政策,以解决:
    • 邓波儿对道德和合规的承诺, including the integrity and accuracy of the information it maintains and shares;
    • 收集数据的标准; 
    • 核对和交叉核对数据的标准;
    • procedures for submitting data, including required reviews and approvals;
    • certification of integrity and accuracy of data by deans and applicable unit heads, both prior to and after submission; and 
    • 提问或提出关切的机制, 直接或匿名, 关于数据的完整性或准确性.
  • Temple has engaged an external auditing firm to ensure the effectiveness of new measures on data integrity. 
  • 邓波儿推出了 数据完整性网站 that contains information about the university’s commitment to promoting data integrity.

自获委任以来, Fox School of Business Dean Ron Anderson has undertaken purposeful and comprehensive measures to improve internal controls, ensure accuracy in data reporting and create an atmosp在这里 that honors transparency and accountability. 具体来说,安德森院长有:

  • Publicly acknowledged the Fox School’s past reporting errors and issued apologies to stakeholders;
  • 重组主要行政职能(一).e.(招生管理与营销、财务与人力资源); 
  • Examined and adjusted responsibilities of management personnel; appointed a business/finance manager and appointed a director of human resources;
  • 会见并将继续会见各持份者, 包括学生, 教职员工, to address concerns and answer questions; and
  • Committed to continuing conversations with 教职员工 to establish a culture that focuses on positive outcomes for Fox students.

Temple continues to develop its remediation efforts and will update the answer to this question with further actions and progress.


No. 福克斯商学院继续获得AACSB认证, 促进大学商学院协会, a distinction that the Fox School has maintained continuously since 1934.

福克斯的U是什么.S. 新闻 ranking now and what will happen to Fox School rankings in the future?

在福克斯向美国媒体披露此事之后.S. 2018年1月的新闻称,该公司提交了不准确的数据.S. 新闻删除了在线MBA项目的第1名. 将该项目移至“未排名”类别. 鉴于在线MBA课程的数据问题, the Fox School asked to be withdrawn from consideration in the then-upcoming 2019 rankings for U.S. 新闻和在当年的排名中仍处于“未排名”类别. 2020年的美国.S. 新闻 rankings, Fox submitted verified and audited survey responses and was ranked No. 88年全国.


7月27日, 2018, Temple notified The Princeton Review that it would not be submitting the 2017-2018 survey and will refrain from doing so pending review of its internal systems for ensuring the accuracy of data submitted by Fox. Similarly, Fox elected not to submit rankings survey data to other organizations until fall 2019. 这些提交的排名将会公布.

Do the problems with data reporting change the quality of a Fox education?

No. 福克斯大学的研究生和本科课程仍然很优秀. The school’s focus remains on the delivery of high-quality programs and student services. The misreporting of data is in no way a reflection of the school’s outstanding academic research, 屡获殊荣的教职员工, 它的学生成绩很高, 校友的成功或世界级项目的成功.


欲了解更多信息,请访问坦普尔网站 数据完整性网站 或联系坦普尔大学道德与合规办公室 ethicsandcompliance@shanemichaelmurray.com.